Dysten will create 462 new Real-time Passenger Information locations

More comfort

Dysten won one of the largest tenders in Europe. On August 29, we signed an agreement in Katowice with KZKGOP – the largest public transport organizer in the country. In the Silesian Voivodeship, we will build Real-time Passenger Information System devices at 462 more stops. The largest RTPI system in Poland will start operating.

Dysten stworzy 462 nowe lokalizacje systemu dynamicznej informacji pasażerskiej dla przystanków autobusowych, tramwajowych, węzłów i centrów przesiadkowych

On August 29, at the headquarters of the Municipal Communication Association of the Upper Silesian Industrial District in Katowice, a contract was signed for the implementation of the second stage of this large investment worth PLN 36.6 million. The work is 75% co-financed by the Center for EU Transport Projects.

Dysten zbuduje rozszerzenie systemu ITS na terenie województwa śląskiego - powstaną 462 nowe instalacje systemu dynamicznej informacji pasażerskiej

The implementation includes design, delivery, assembly, integration, commissioning and maintenance of the system and devices.

The agreement provides for:

  • 400 electronic 6-line double-sided boards with monitoring cameras,
  • 6 electronic 12-line, single-sided boards with monitoring (in Tychy),
  • 50 electronic 6-line double-sided boards with monitoring cameras (Tychy),
  • 6 electronic 6-line double-sided boards with monitoring (Bieruń),
  • 170 mobile devices in vehicles on MZK Tychy lines.

The expansion will improve the comfort of travelers but also the safety of all users of public space – ITS displays will use built-in monitoring cameras, which will allow for quick response by the police or fire brigade if necessary.Podpisanie umowy KZKGOP - Dysten na największy system informacji pasażerskiej w Polsce

Special announcements and facilities for visually impaired people

In addition to information about upcoming arrivals and departures, the system will enable sending special information – e.g. weather warnings, messages about delays or canceled courses. Each device, after pressing the key built into the pole, will read aloud all the information displayed on the screen – which is especially important for visually impaired and blind people.

Powstanie największy system Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej w Polsce - mówi Paweł Kryszak, członek Zarządu firmy Dysten, która wygrała przetarg

30 million transported people

KZKGOP brings together 29 communes, is one of the important organizers of public transport in Europe, almost 30 million people use the network of bus and tram connections every month. As part of the expansion, a uniform passenger information system will also operate in the communes of Tychy and Bieruń.

The tender assumptions required long-term preparations and analyses. During the conference, KZKGOP Chairman Roman Urbańczyk emphasized that Dysten was also carrying out the first stage of this investment and congratulated the company on winning the award of the British magazine International Transport News for the best European manufacturer of ITS displays for railways in 2018.

462 nowe punkty ITS na terenie województwa śląskiego

Passenger information systems similar to the one currently being built in southern Poland are widely used around the world in metropolises such as Paris, London and Berlin. This trend is deepening – dynamic passenger information is provided at rail, tram and bus transfer hubs and individual stops. Also in Poland, dynamic passenger information is increasingly being taken into account in transfer centers, but also during the reconstruction of railway stations or as part of the modernization of railway lines.

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