Bus stop infrastructure in Chrzanów

DYSTEN won the tender for the second task of the investment “Construction and modernization of ZKKM bus stop infrastructure in Chrzanów”, i.e. “Delivery and installation of electronic dynamic passenger information boards, including the implementation of power connections and electrical installations to power the boards and bus shelters”.

As part of the task, the company will deliver and install electronic passenger information boards at bus stops in Chrzanów, Trzebinia and Libiąż.

This task consists of:

– delivery and installation of 28 electronic passenger information boards

– delivery of applications for managing and controlling the operating parameters of the boards along with dedicated devices

– voice announcement system

– video monitoring

In addition, power connections and electrical installations illuminating the shelters will be installed at bus stops.

On September 12, 2022, the official signing of the contract with representatives of the management board of the Municipal Association Inter-municipal Communication in Chrzanów took place.

Please watch the video of the contract signing:

Watch on video

source: Portal Ziemii Chrzanowskiej 

The investment is co-financed by the government program “Polski Ład”. Completion of the entire investment “Construction and modernization of ZKKM bus stop infrastructure in Chrzanów” is planned for the end of 2023.

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