Sound system step by step

For a viewer in a theatre, opera or music club, the most important thing is to be heard well. It is the viewer who pays for the ticket and demands it. It requires emotions that you won’t get without good sound. The viewer also rates, and this rating affects popularity, recommendations, reviews, the number of tickets sold and the profitability of the venture. Sound in art and at a concert plays a fundamental role. So how is sound system created in public facilities?

Sound system step by step

We start with the design of an electroacoustic sound system. Public Address (PA) systems are usually permanent installations that allow the user to integrate all its elements into the interior design of the facility. During the sound system design stage, sound engineers analyze the architectural design of the room and perform a series of sound simulations in a virtual environment. Specialists can precisely analyze, among others, the uniformity of sound dispersion for various frequencies, clarity and readability, sound pressure levels, and all other necessary parameters required for sound systems. This is how a professional project is created, including the selection of loudspeaker devices and the precise arrangement of system elements.

The loudspeaker, as the final element of the system, changes the electrical signal into a sound wave. The quality, power and placement determine the final effect of the installed sound system to the greatest extent. Selecting speakers in PA systems is one of the most difficult stages of the audio system design process. A poorly selected loudspeaker or too few loudspeakers are basic design errors. The key is to determine what functions the system is intended for, what role the loudspeaker should play and what parameters it should meet.

Once we have completed the individual elements of the system, we can proceed to precise installation carried out according to the electroacoustic design. The priority is to install the sound system so that it is not visible in the foreground. We make sure that the system elements are hidden or blended with the interior architecture. The devices are matched in size and color to the surroundings.

Delivering a ready and installed PA system is not everything. An important point is the tuning of the entire system and professional training in the operation of the sound system by qualified, experienced producers and sound engineers. The aim of the training is to show the wide possibilities offered by the new sound system and to provide practical knowledge of how to use the PA system. DYSTEN customers are guaranteed technical support throughout the entire life of the system.

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