Electronic parking displays for the city of Gliwice

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Electronic parking displays for the city of Gliwice

LED parking information displays for crowded cities

Where to park? Drivers entering the city center of Gliwice already know. They do not look for a place to park at their own, but they can look at electronic parking displays, which direct them to a free parking spot. Parking information displays DYSTEN in Gliwice are a part of the so-called “Free parking spaces identification system”.

Municipal Parking Information Displays with LED screens were installed on roads leading to the pointed-parking. The system includes about 300 parking spaces on the streets:

  • ul. Berbeckiego
  • ul. Wybrzeża Wojska Polskiego
  • ul. Wyszyńskiego
  • pl. Piłsudskiego

Thw work was done in the framework of the investment “The information about free parking places in the paid parking zone at the Municipal Council in Gliwice”. We delivered a set of municipal information parking displays made in LED technology, which include several signs informing about the number of available places.

Do you want to get more information about the Parking Information Displays? Visit the product page: Parking Information Displays


Gliwice struggled with the problem of big traffic jams in the city center. Drivers were looking for a free parking space around the Municipal Council and it caused traffic jams and frustrated drivers. The Municipal Council decided to introduce the municipal parking system. Parking displays had to stand in a large sunlight and do not change the urban architecture.


Electronic parking displays helped to reduce traffic congestion by reducing the number of drivers looking for places to park. Now, they can move through the city center quickly, efficiently, comfortably and more economically.

DYSTEN engineers chosen specially selected highly luminous LEDs that provide excellent visibility in strong sunlight.

Parking information displays for the city of Gliwice have chosen design and color that fits into the city’s architecture. See for yourself – functionally and aesthetically:

Elektroniczne tablice parkingowe dla miasta Gliwice
Electronic parking displays DYSTEN


  • improving and reducing traffic in the city center;
  • saving money and time of the drivers
  • clear information about available parking spaces, regardless of the installation place and sunlight, thanks to specially selected LEDs;
  • electronic information displays look nice into the urban architecture.