Bus shelters in Szczecinek – video

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Modern, integrated bus shelters have been installed on the main streets of Szczecinek. Dysten has designed and constructed 24 new bus shelters equipped with a dynamic passenger information system and accompanying infrastructure.

Bus shelters

The installed passenger information system is responsible for several functions:

  • displaying passenger information in real time on a 5-line board made in LED Amber technology
  • displaying city information such as important information and announcements of the city, opening hours of the swimming pool, museums and others on a 47″ LCD monitor, integrated with bus shelter
  • monitoring – 360-degree camera

Passenger Information Displays

The integrated bus shelters have LED and LCD displays adapted to work in external conditions, they also have a built-in brightness sensor that automatically adjusts the brightness of the monitor to the ambient conditions and time of day. High contrast ensures excellent image readability, both in the LED and LCD display

5-line LED boards to display information about the nearest departures of public transport vehicles in real-time, route number, name of the destination stop and time of departure. The last fifth line may display a timetable or a special message, e.g. about route changes.

The project was co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the West Pomeranian 2014-2020.

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