EU Founds


DYSTEN L.L.C. carries out projects that are co-financed from the funds of the European Union. Their goal is to ensure the broadly understood development of the company. Within the scope of said projects, the enterprise has the ability to produce more advanced, costly technology based on research and development-oriented activities. The co-financing also covers promotional activities of the company and its products on foreign markets. Thanks to said fact, the company’s devices can reach a larger group of customers.

R&D Undertakings

  • Project title Development of a range of products intended for use in the small architecture of urban passenger transport
  • Beneficiary DYSTEN L.L.C.
  • Project value PLN 2,061,000.00
    European funds PLN 855,000.00
  • Voivodeship Silesian
    District Zabrze
  • Program Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020.
  • Operation 1.2 Research Development and innovation in enterprises
  • Fund European Regional Development Fund
  • Perspective 2014 – 2020
  • Objectives of the project the aim of the project is to develop (by carrying out experimental development-related works) and implement, basing on the results of the project, a new product in the form of information boards intended for use in the small architecture of urban passenger transport by starting their production. The project implementation is aimed at increasing the company’s competitiveness by increasing innovation.
  • Planned results of the project most important results of the project include an increase in expenditure on research and development activities within the company, the introduction of a new product to the company’s offer (commercialization of the results of R&D undertakings), as well as the development of the company’s export-related activities. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-2020 Regional Operational Program for the Silesian Voivodeship.

IT/ICT Branch Promotion Program

  • Project title Promotion of Dysten’s products on international markets through participation in a program addressed to the IT/ICT industry.
  • Beneficiary DYSTEN L.L.C.
  • Project value PLN 273,000.00
    European funds PLN 204,750.00
  • Program Operational Program Intelligent Development
  • Operation 3.3 Support for promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises
  • Fund European Regional Development Fund
  • Perspective 2014 – 2020
  • Objectives of the project the aim of the project is to promote DYSTEN products on foreign markets by allowing the company to participate in a program addressed to the IT/ICT industry, including the participation in selected fairs and exhibition events as an exhibitor, participation in economic missions abroad, and the implementation of additional information and promotion-oriented activities. The scope of the project covers undertakings to be performed on the prospective markets of the Middle East (Israel, the United Arab Emirates – UAE) and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Ukraine).
  • Planned results of the project the outcome of the project is the continuation of the company’s international expansion strategy, allowing for the expansion of exports to selected markets, obtaining new foreign contracts, as well as the promotion of Polish entrepreneurship and product brands around the world. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-2020 Intelligent Development Operational Program, sub-measure 3.3.3. SUPPORT FOR SMES WITH REGARD TO THE PROMOTION OF PRODUCT BRANDS – GO TO BRAND