Video Cube and a sound system for the sports hall

Video Cube and the sound system of the Azoty Arena Sports and Entertainment Hall in Szczecin

Dysten supplied the large screen system and the sound system of the Sports and Entertainment Arena, a modern multifunctional facility located in Szczecin.

The main hall accommodates 5,000 people during sports events and 7,000 people during concerts. In order to increase the visibility of organized events, a ceiling system of 4 video cube screens has been installed, which, depending on the needs of the organizers, can present live broadcasts, action replays or sponsors’ advertisements.

This facility is designed to organize sports events at the local, national and international level. It is possible to organize events in such disciplines as basketball, handball, indoor football, volleyball, badminton, tennis, fencing, martial arts, gymnastics or pole vaulting. The supplied sound system of the Hall positively influenced its multi-functionality. The sound system will be used not only during the planned sports events, including the World Karate Championships. It will also publicize many concerts, galas and festivals organized in this place.