Theatre sound system – Silesia Theatre

Sound system for Silesia Theatre

nagłośnienie dla teatru śląskiego

We have provided a modern theatre sound system, its software and final alignment. The whole system is almost invisible for the viewer, thanks to great matching to the Main Stage.

The work done:

  • Matching system project made by TELOS, consulted with the department of theatre techniques;
  • Location and sets models agreed with the restorer;
  • Execution of a 3D model of the institution
  • System installation by PowerBox
  • Theatre sound system based on Fohhn Audio AG speaker devices, which DYSTEN is the only distributor in Poland;
  • Preparation of the software, which allows remote control of the system;
  • Alignment with measurements made by a specialist with high-quality tools and software.

Photos taken by Magdalena Zielińska.

Professional equipment and software for the Silesia Theatre


Finding an audio system that would be appropriate and adapted to the size and characteristics of the Silesia Theatre’s Main Stage. Improvement of the sound quality of the live music. Lowering the volume on stage. Sound for theatre should be characterized by minimal architecture change.


Sound system for the Silesia Theatre has been carefully designed by TELOS company from Gliwice. We used a 3D model of the object, which set and converted possible points for speaker sets installation. System created in this way, has been rigorously tested for coating listening surfaces and sound transmission parameters. Wojciech Zieliński, the project designer, provided galvanic isolation of signals in both utility and power active devices.

Used devices and solutions are among the most modern and advanced technologies available on the world markets. The sound emitted by the system is quick and clean. With very low distortion and high purity electrical audio channels, there are no problems with the microphones.

DYSTEN software allows to remotely control the theatre sound system from a PC and via the software keyboard. The final alignment with the measurement was carried out by a specialist – Ralf Freudenberg. He used specialized diagnostic and measuring tool – Fohhn FAMSA software.


Extremely carefully design and production process, the selection of the best components and total quality control together gave a product with unusual characteristics.

  • High uniformity of coverage for different ranges of frequencies;
  • The sound emitted by theatre sound system is more like a first-class home devices (high-end) than the known concert structures;
  • Unlimited wireless access anywhere to settings and hardware configurations;
  • Direct sound for at least 95% of the audience;
  • The possibility to use the system for concerts;
  • Speakers do not change the interior’s architecture.


“Speaker system features high speech intelligibility, dynamic music played and very natural sound. All this resulted in an increase of the viewer satisfaction (…). We were looking for a solution that will improve the quality of sound in live performance, lower the volume level on stage and also cover evenly three levels of the audience with the sound. Installed sound system sound like a home high-end and the sound quality is unique in Polish theatres. What’s more, the system is almost invisible to the viewer, it is perfectly integrated with the Main Stage. Wireless, unlimited access from anywhere to settings and hardware configurations was very practical for sound engineers. Now, we belong to the elite theatres with the best sound systems in Poland.”
Mikołaj Lichtański

Head of Acoustic Section
Silesia Theatre in Katowice

“I have waited for many years for the opportunity to design a speaker system for such a facility from my home region. At the stage of project, we have done with the technical department of the Silesia theatre every possible effort to cunstruct system that was worth the beginning of the twenty-first century.”
Wojciech Zieliński

Speaker System Designer
TELOS Company

“Technical and procedural requirements at first seemed quite exaggerated; after consultation we saw that we really need to reach for a slightly different equipment to do this job. We used at this work a big part of our entire experience. The effort paid off with interest. The result exceeded our idea of installing a speaker system. This is reflected in the recognition from the technical department of the Theatre. Comparing the primary and final condition, it is a change of eras in technique. This work gives great job satisfaction. In addition to the money, we also need an incentive at work. I can happily say that we are proud of this system and that we could do it for one of the most prestigious venues in the region.”
Mirosław Matusiak

General Order Contractor
PowerBox Company