Iluzjon Cinema sound system at Filmoteka Narodowa

Iluzjon Cinema sound system

filmoteka narodowa - kino iluzjon - nagłośnienie

We delivered a professional and multifunctional cinema sound system for the Iluzjon Cinema. Thanks to the new equipment, comprehensive activity of the Cinema has been greatly simplified.

The work done:

  • Cinema sound system project made by TELOS company;
  • Choosing the speaker sets with emphasis on high sound transmission parameters for proper acoustic performance;
  • Provided sound system is based on Fohhn Audio AG devices and DYSTEn is the sole distributor of Fohhn devices in Poland;
  • Ensuring high level of sound engineer’s comfort, thanks to intuitively designed connections of components and to minimization of the likelihood of making an error during connection.

Photos taken by Magdalena Zielińska

In this case study we used content from article “Kino Iluzjon” written by Marek Witkowski for Live Sound & installation nr. 47

DYSTEN provides multifunctional and flexible software for the Iluzjon Cinema


Iluzjon Cinema sound system at Filmoteka Narodowa, The Museum of Film Art, in which are placed film screenings, lectures, workshops, concerts and live performances. The task was to create a multifunctional and flexible sound system sound system for the particular form of activity, unusual for a traditional equipment of cinema halls. One of these forms are silent film shows, illustrated by live performed music.


The central hardware of the system is the teletype cabinet, in which are the transceiver systems with adders and amplifiers, the main digital signal connection mixing system and Fohhn Net-LAN interfaces. Each of the cabinet has been arranged so as to ensure proper air circulation.

We preserved the sound geometry, taking into account the audience coverage. The main sound system was realized with the use of hybrid Fohhn Audio LX-601 speaker sets, supported by the Fohhn Audio XS-4 Passive sets.

The main equipment of the sound producer’s position is the digital mixing console – Innovason Eclipse. The producer has for his use a PC with Windows 7 OEM, software required to operate the system and a special keybord driver. In addition to these devices, sound engineer also has two CD players and Denon DN-C620 MP3, as well as two Allied TeleSyn MC-102X converters.

The designer proposed a universal set of Senheiser microphones and selected models of MBHO microphones.


The Cinema sound system is a flexible and multifunctional system that is designed to accomodate for live music performances, film screenings, lectures and many others.

  • Mobile sound engineer stand with the full ability to manage and operate the sound system. Hardware and software making the work of sound engineer easier;
  • Symmetrical sound raddiation source for the entire audience – viewer regardless of his place, hears the same sound;
  • Increased musicians comfort by eliminating the impact of sound on the stage area;
  • Neutral, not absorbing the viewer’s attention, elements of the sound system.


“Multifunctional and flexible sound system allowed us to become a unique cultural unit. Now, Filmoteka Narodowa is more than a movie theater, it is a place where not only film screenings are held, but also concerts, live performances, lectures and workshops. We confirm the high quality of the supplied equipment, work performed by DYSTEN and recommend it as a reliable and credible partner.”

Krzysztof Hnatkowski
Deputy Director at Filmoteka Narodowa

“I addition to showing care about the highest quality of the sound, which for this type of installation is a principled foundation in my opinion, the installation is also made with great attention to functionality, aesthetics and sound engineer’s comfort. The confirmation of this opinion is transparency of marking and intuitive design of connecting elements of the system, ease of preparation the system to work, minimization of the possibility of making mistakes during connecting, preparing the producer’s stand with regard to ergonomic principles.”

Marek Witkowski
Sound engineer
Collaborator of the LiveSound & Installation